Monday, December 9, 2013

Last post:

I have generally enjoyed this class. It has gotten me off to a good start in expanding my graphics business into more well-rounded business model that includes marketing consulting. Beamer Consulting & Design will help small businesses drive sales and profit by helping them refine their message, creating strong graphics and website functionality and then making it pay with effective social media marketing activity. This class has introduced me to some of the tools to accomplish this goal.

What would make this class better:

Feedback. I feel like I am working in a vacuum. Although I get occasional feedback from fellow student, more would definitely be better. But the main thing lacking is constructive feedback from the teachers. I could really have benefited from a comment on my blogs, maybe once each week. Even some general comments on the student's blogs would have been helpful.

Optional Reading: It would be good if teachers could include links to relevant reading for the weeks assignments. Sometimes I didn't feel I got enough information on the subject we were talking about.

Student Comments: Make fellow students comments more important. I felt like the teachers were trying to make this happen but a lot of the time the comments were just general "good job" statements of very little value.

This has been a good class and I can tell our teachers are committed to making it a great class. Good luck to all in your future endeavors. I have enjoyed interacting with you all!



  1. Becky, good points about the class! I specially agree with the feedback comment, it would've been nice to have the teachers comment on our posts for some personalized pointers. There are a few comments on the My Grades page, but they were not posted immediately after the assignment, so not as effective.

    Good luck with the business, it was nice interacting with you too!

  2. Hi Becky,

    Really good comments about the class. I agree with you and Lenah that feedback would have been nice. I definitely felt in a vacuum at times.

    Good luck with your business! I have enjoyed reading your posts.


  3. Yes, I agree that timely feedback would have been nice.... maybe a lab time for those of us that wanted a few questions answered. I did receive some good feedback from students. All the best to you... Happy Holidays.

  4. Thanks for your comments about us -- we are still working the bugs out of team teaching. And both being too busy. With this class being round two - we are still picking up great ideas to make it even better each semester.
    I do enjoy reading all the posts that everyone writes. So many points of view - some due to personality and some because of the business perspective.
