Thursday, October 31, 2013

How Personal?

I think the blog for Beamer Consulting and Design should have personality but not be personal. It should be an expression of who Dan and I are and how we think creatively and professionally. By blogging I hope to give our brand a personality and paint a picture of Beamer Consulting and Design as a company that is creative, inspired, resourceful, conscientious, and relaxed. We will do this by linking business philosophies to life philosophies. In short, I want the blog to emphasize how running a successful business is like creating a gratifying life and that both are all about creating great relationships.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Finding Tweeters

To find some Tweeters to follow I used the search terms Consulting and Design first and then expanded my search to Graphic Design. I chose 4 companies and am following them on Twitter. The first is Blue Sapphire Design ( I chose them because they focus on graphic design and social media marketing. After looking more closely at their tweets I am not sure they are going to be much help for my business. Their last tweet was August 23 then before that January 17 so it looks like they don't tweet enough.

The second company (person) I started to follow is Kristal Martinez ( I chose her because I liked her website and blog. She defiantly tweets more often and I think she will be helpful in finding good content for my Facebook page.

The third company I picked to follow is FÖDA Studio ( I was attracted to them by their Bio Description: "A ‘brand’ is not designed––it's discovered. We develop brands by communicating promises & translating values. Brand Consultant. Graphic Design." I also liked their website.

The last company I am following is Fresh Consulting (  I discovered them last week when I was looking at visual social media examples. They have a lot of great content but may tweet too much, many times a day. It is hard to sift through all their tweets to finds ones that are relevant to my business.

The jury is still out on Twitter for me. I am not a twittering type of person, I don't really like small talk. I will try it for a while and see how I do.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Companies Uses of Visual Social Media

Decibel Consulting & Design

Decibel Consulting & Design uses Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Their Facebook page shows designs they have done for their current clients. Most of the recent posts are about "Throw the Fight" which is a band they are working with.The posts included a music video, which looks like it was not done by Decibel, tee-shirt designs, and a skateboard deck design. They also have a post to help Throw the Fight raise money.

Decibel has done some promotional posts. In one they ask people to call within 24 hours and get 20% off a quote. In another they put out a compilation album users can download for free.

They have also done a more personal post "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" with a photo of a young father and his six month old daughter which has generated the most Likes of all their posts. This is particularly interesting because the subject is not really related to their work, but, perhaps because it is more personal and emotional, it draws more people in.

Fresh Consulting

Fresh Consulting uses Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. On their Google+ and Facebook pages they post cartoons that are especially funny in the context with our media crazed world. They also post cartoons with messages they want to convey to their customers, and informative articles on business and social media. The cartoon approach drew me in and I picked 6 of their articles to read and possibly post links to on my Facebook page. I also noted that Google+ sure is a better looking interface than Facebook!

The Fresh Consulting LinkedIn page explains what they do, but YouTube is where Fresh Consulting excels. They have 15 YouTube videos that promote their company. I watched four and they were well all done and have many "views". There oldest video, Social Media Marketing - Fresh Consulting, has over 4,000 views, which confirms the power of visual marketing with video.  I also noticed that their twitter feed has tweets about the same things they put on their Facebook and Google+ pages.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Visual Social Media Platforms

After comparing the 4 most widely used visual social media platforms I have decided that Pinterest is the best platform for my business. I plan to use it for the Design portion of Beamer Consulting & Design. Pinterest will be a good place to display my designs and creative process. My brainstorming sessions have always included gathering inspiration form other designs and images on line, with Pinterest now I have a place to store those images. Aside from my own website, my Pinterest page will give potential clients a place to see my work and the things that I find visually appealing. Pinterest is a great tool for sharing images that inspire me and for mining new content for my ongoing work.

Here is a link to my Pinterest:

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Scheduled Posts

Our Mission Statement:

We are Beamer Consulting and Design and our mission is to generate a constant flow of new ideas and solutions that help small businesses drive sales and profit through highly effective social media marketing.  We don't have all the answers… but we are deeply engaged in this challenge every day and want to share ideas that inspire us and that we believe will benefit your business and your life.  

At present we are not selling anything, we simply invite you to engage, get inspired and learn with us!

Why content will win clients:
I believe all the links I am sharing on my Facebook contain relevant information to help small businesses be successful. By creating a place to go for current and inspiring content I will turn fans into future clients.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Liked Businesses on My Facebook Page

The seven businesses I "liked" were selected because they will create great opportunities for connecting with my potential clients. All of these sites have quick reads and will provide a daily flow of ideas to help small businesses drive successful social media marketing. By reading these websites myself, I intend to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, so I can continually challenge my clients with new ideas. I know that many small business owners don't have time to stay current on these trends. By doing so myself I will build strong relationships with entrepreneurs and truly add value to what they want to achieve.
This is a link to Inc. Magazine. They send out a great newsletter that has short articles on business.
Ted talks are video that run about 20 minutes on just about everything. They alway make me think.
Smashing Magazine, Web Design Ledger & Web Designer Depot are great resource for designer but can help inform small businesses on good design and how to spot it. is an outstanding resource for entrepreneurs which is my target audience.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Facebook Posts: Reach VS Engagement

Fan Reach is the number of fans who have SEEN any given post. Facebook breaks Fan Reach into two kinds, Fan and Organic. Fan Reach are posts that are seen by fans and Organic Reach are post that have been seen by both fans and non-fans. For a post to be successful you want to make sure it's Organic Reach is larger than it's Fan Reach. If this is true you know you are reaching people that have the potential to become new fans.

In the article 6 Facebook Metrics Marketers Should Be Measuring, Emeric Ernoult says
"The per-post fan reach is probably the most important metric. It’s a key indicator. It helps you measure the appeal of your content to your audience and appreciate the quality of your audience."

Engagement is the number of people who have CLICKED on any content in your post. According to Likable Social Media it is the Storytellers (Facebook term) that are the most important kinds of Engagements on your posts. Storytellers are part of the Engagement group that do something to engage their friends with your post, know as "people talking about this" by Facebook. These posts are the most successful because they spread your word to non-fans and hopefully convert them to fans.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Facebook Link

Here is the link for my facebook page.