Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Business I am Using for this Class

The business I plan to create is a consulting company that helps businesses adapt to the rapidly changing internet landscape. Many small business have an outdated online presence that doesn't take advantage of today's marketing tools. The target audience my company is going after is small businesses that have outdated websites and unclear branding. These companies do not take advantage of social media or customer loyalty programs but are looking for ways to promote themselves on the internet. These are privately held businesses, at least 10 years old with at least $500,000 in annual revenue. Their owners are mature, between 35 to 55, but are not internet savvy. They are self-reliant, old-school entrepreneurs that don't understand online marketing as the internet environment has change. They are aware that times have changed but they are busy running their businesses and have little time to learn about all the online tools available for them today. Most of these businesses got on-board with the digital revolution years ago but their website have become stagnant and out of date.

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