Thursday, September 5, 2013

Business or Pleasure?

In my humble and uninformed opinion it seems to me that all these social media platforms work well for both business and socializing. Isn't that the idea? Making the marketing of a business feel like a friend giving you advise about what's cool. Or having a friend tell you what products or services they would be interested in buying or using.

The platform that comes to mind as the least geared towards personal use is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is businesslike and should probably stay that way. LinkedIn is the best place for job seekers and recruiters to spend their time.

Another site that seems to be for business and not social use is, because of its invite-only model. Dribble is a showcase for designers, but you have to be drafted to get your designs on the site. Wouldn't I love to get a design on that site, that is a dream for the future. I will have to satisfy myself by going to Dribble to ogle other people's great designs.

While Facebook is such a popular site for personal use, I believe it is the most important site for business (especially small businesses). So many people are comfortable and "at home" on Facebook, savvy brands have the ability to connect on a more personal level with their audience. The key here it to be authentic in a way that matters and to come off as being too commercial.

Instagram is another social platform that would be great for a small design business like mine. With it visual focus it may be useful tool for getting design feedback in a raw, unfiltered environment.  It is real-time, current and youth oriented, so the contemporary immediacy is appealing, and perhaps a bit scary.

I look forward to learning more about the different platforms I could use for sharing my work and engaging with a live audience.


  1. I had never heard of Dribble, probably because it's geared toward a specific field. I agree that in order for a business to have success growing via Facebook, they need to be careful and creative in their posts/advertisements. Most people don't want their newsfeeds littered with ads. Instagram is PERFECT for a business in a field like yours. It is a visual platform, much like your field. I think it would lend well to a budding design business like yours.

  2. Hi Becky,

    Thank you for your blog. It actually made me have a shift in consciousness regarding how I look the whole social media platform. Your quote “Making the marketing of a business feel like a friend giving you advise about what's cool.” It made me think about how I’ve gotten great job opportunities, referrals etc., in the past. It was almost always word of mouth; a friend or former associate would make a recommendation etc. Clients, employees, and former employers always became friends and still are today. I never thought of the “social media” platform in such friendly terms. So Thank You! I just had an Ahh Ha moment.

    Hey if you want to be on, you will be. Somehow some way it will happen. You put it out in the universe, so don’t be surprised when it happens!

    Take care,


  3. Hello Becky!

    I enjoyed your point of view in regards to "a friend giving you advice." Hopefully that will continue to happen in "cyberspace" (wow, I've just dated myself) and in the physical, face-to-face world.

    IJust a minor correction in (3 b's). I hope one day you get to post some of your work!

  4. I agree with your comment that businesses need to take a less top-down approach with consumers in the social media area and make things more personal.
