Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Beamer Consulting and Design is a new company and right now we are working on building relationships. When we start to send out a newsletter we will send it out quarterly. The things our newsletter will include are:

We will update potential clients on our service offering and highlight a certain service in more detail.  Our first newsletter will be an introduction to BCD. We will also make special promotional offers for certain services.

For example:

Purchase a custom website and receive three months of free social media marketing consultation (max 10 hour per month). We will help them leverage the strength of their new website with help establishing a blog, targeted advertising and content update schedule. We may also offer special seminars on how to refine their brand position and establish their unique brand voice in social media space.

For current clients we will include promotional offers focused on how to get more out of their social media marketing. We know they are already in the game. Now we want to help them continue to grow their business through targeted on-line advertising, email marketing and blogging. These newsletter might include a coupon for 5 hours of Facebook analysis and / or building of a compelling FB page.


  1. This is great. I love the fact that you will send an introductory newsletter which will make your customers feel welcome and also how you will highlight a certain service. Awesome post.

  2. Great ideas! I see a lot of similar things to what I would use for TaskRiot. Very well thought out!

  3. Very conscientious post. Good job, Becky. I had originally said I would do biannual posts, but after reading your post, I'm thinking a quarterly post highlighting a particular service might not be a bad idea for my business. Including promotons in your newsletter can be especially effective, and it gives the reader an added incentive to open the next one, as opposed to deleting it before even opening.

  4. I like your ideas in the post! One thing I would suggest is that in highlighting one of your services in the newsletter, explain why people need your service. Give examples what your service offers, proven data results and past customer testimonials on why your service is the only one people need to go to!

  5. Great Idea! I have a company I pay to manage my branding and multi media… however they do not have newsletter so I don't necessarily feel connected to their business current "happenings" or involved as a consumer.

  6. Like your blog, your ideas for eMarketing and look forward to hearing more from you.

  7. Wow it sure sounds like you really have your newsletter campaign really mapped out. Thats's a great idea about offering special seminars. I think that promoting seminars is one of the best ways to form deep connections to customers because nothing gives them a sense of who you are and what your all about more than the quality of your seminars.I will consider what ways I might also begin to plan seminars for my business that I can promote through my newsletter as well : )

  8. I agree with David C- I like that you've mapped out a campaign geared towards different audiences. Seminars wouldn't work in my company online- we do offer in person training, but it is paid per student so giving 'the milk away for free' wouldn't work in my area- BUT it would be a great way to advertise our training sessions.
