Friday, November 15, 2013

Using Marketing on Social Media without Spending Money

I have been trying this daily since our class started with little success. I think one of my main problems is my audience. I need to attract more of my target customer to my Facebook page. Maybe a few paid ads would help.

Here are some of the posts on my Facebook page:

I have linked my Twitter account to my Facebook account so when I post on Facebook the post is Tweeted.

I would love some suggestions on things I can do differently. THANKS! 

Visit my Facebook page for more examples:


  1. Hi Becky,
    I think the ads and post you are creating look great. Not sure why you haven't had much success. How many fans do you have? Maybe it is time to do a little paid advertising?

  2. Hi Becky,

    I feel your pain. You and I are in similar circumstances. I’m a designer that specializes in print media, which nowadays is becoming a dying breed. Everyone has a computer and is into do it yourself-mode. I’m branching out to include web design.

    I’ve found it is beneficial for me to attend business-networking events, and then supplement my web presence with social media. Business to business groups are great too. I find that if I just keep my identity in front of my contact list, they will pick up the phone when they need my services. That’s usually how it works. The other day my chiropractor said hey Mel, my new girlfriend needs a graphic designer. I gave her your number. He is kind of a philosophical guy so I send him inspirational stuff, and recommendations for new book to read. He knows I’m a designer and I gave him some business cards but I never send him design information.

    I usually meet new potential clients every month. The trick is to be in the loop without being obnoxious. I’ve met great people at these events, but then there is the occasional individual that bombards you with emails. I guess you could say, I have learned what not to do.

    I also try to incorporate demographics of people I associate with socially. I like working with friends so I “target’ for lack of a better word people who share some of things I enjoy; dogs, the beach, water sports, music, wine, meditation, yoga, and Pilates. It’s funny but my professional life and social life cross all the time. I’m OK with that.

    This is a process, it will all come together. You have a lot to offer. Keep trying new things. Just remember two steps forward; one step back, is a cha-cha. Keep dancing baby!


    1. I agree with Becky here. As a web developer, most of my contacts or referrals come through friends. Your posts are solid. But they also need to reflect who you are as a person, because your personal life always bleeds over into your professional life. Social media is about being social as it is about sharing information. It's always hard to be the conversation starter in a room that's mostly empty. Consider your topic of conversation from that viewpoint. Do you quietly go around to two or three people handing them a newsletter in the hopes that they might read it and stay in the room to do so? No, you share your story. Let people get to know you and trust you over time. Yes you have a service to sell and yes it takes time to do this type of marketing but it focuses your message of who you are and what you can do for others. Looking at your bio on this site, I can tell you already have some history of how you came to design. Use it and expand it. Let people know what you're learning and how it can help them.

    2. Thanks again Robert! I will think about that and figure out how to incorporate my "story" into my posts.

  3. Thanks for the thoughts and advise Mella!

  4. Late in the game here (yes I know) -- but I agree-- you need more than a few words to hook and reel people in. Take that amount of letters that Twitter gives you and fine tune how to make the best of it.
    When i looked at the post about Twitter- saying you were starting to tweet and then you had a link to a post- I automatically thought that was your twitter name-- and thought...??? What? If you say you are starting to tweet-- post your twitter link. You want to follow them, but they want to follow you too.
    Search hashtags -- and find some people to follow that would be beneficial. If you are lucky they will return the favor.
    As far as getting clients-- in the 25+ years we've had our business we've learned - always do your best work. Be reliable. Jump through those hoops. Keep learning new tricks. 95% of our business is from referrals. Someone sees work we've done for someone they know and they ask about us.
    Hook up with some groups that have a variety of people/services in them. Go places and always have a business card to hand out when they ask for it. Do work for non-profits. You are paying yourself.
    Believe in yourself. That one is a biggie.

    1. I appreciate the thoughtful insights. Thanks for taking the time!
      Have a wonderful holiday,
