Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Advertising For Beamer Consulting & Design

My business is in the initial phase of getting my name out, so I am looking to attract followers and fans. I plan to advertise on Twitter and Facebook. The Twitter ad I will use is called "Promote My Account" and is designed to promote twitter account and in turn my company. This type of ad works by advertising my Twitter account to people that search for keywords like: consulting, web design, graphic design, social media, branding and marketing. Another reason I like this kind of ad is that I only get charged when I get a new follower. I simply "bid" a certain amount per follower, a dollar amount per day and a total budge for the ad campaign.

Facebook gives me the capability of honing my message to a clearly defined demographic. For example, I will target small business owners between the ages of 35 and 55 who live in the Southern California area who are not social media savvy. I will also run an ad that targets friends of people who have already liked my Facebook page. For my Facebook ad I will pay by Likes. That way if the ad doesn't get any attention I will be able to scrap it and try another approach. Targeting is powerful because it is efficient and ensures I get tangible value for my advertising investment.

Here are examples of ads I might run on Facebook:

Here are ideas for my Facebook ads:

Here is the Twitter ad I set up:


  1. Hi Becky. I think there's a niche for small business owners who are not social media savvy. I think FB likes are a good start. The trick is going beyond likes and getting the prospect's email so you can market to them directly. Maybe some email bait like a free marketing tip for their small business if they give you their email....

  2. Becky, I like all of your FB ads, but my favorite is the 'create buzz', the picture is so perfect!


  3. Hi Becky,
    Great ads.
    Yes, I agree with Nate - there are a lot of small business owners who are not social media savvy.But if they don't know social media, will they actually be on Facebook or Twitter at all? Many people feel intimidated by the whole prospect and are still ignoring the whole 'social media thing'.
    The ads were very clever - the images supported the text and grabbed the eye.
