Saturday, November 23, 2013

Coupons and Promotions

The coupon I am thinking of using for Beamer Consulting and Design is:

Purchase a custom website and receive three months of free social media marketing consultation (max 10 hour per month). We will help them leverage the strength of their new website with help establishing a blog, targeted advertising and content update schedule. We may also offer special seminars on how to refine their brand position and establish their unique brand voice in social media space.

This will let our customers see how social media marketing can help promote their business and get them relying on BeamerCD to implement it.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Four More Social Media Marketing tools

The four addition social marketing tools I plan to use to market Beamer Consulting & Design are LinkedIn, Pulse, Google+ and Yelp.

LinkedIn would be a great place to expand our business. Since it is a site for business people we could concentrate on marketing to professionals that are in charge of marketing for their jobs. This might take us away from our target audience of entrepreneurs of small companies but could bring us more contacts and customers.

I signed up for Pulse through my personal LinkedIn page. This will give me a good supply of article to read and use on BeamerCD Facebook page.

I also like the idea of Google+ and joining a circle of social media marketers to get insight and keep up with trends in the industry. Social media is such a rapidly change medium, keeping up-to-date is imperative.

Yelp is a great source for customers trying to find business they can trust. I use it all the time for my personal life. When my business gets off it's feet I will asks customers to write Yelp reviews on their experience with Beamer Consulting & Design.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Using Marketing on Social Media without Spending Money

I have been trying this daily since our class started with little success. I think one of my main problems is my audience. I need to attract more of my target customer to my Facebook page. Maybe a few paid ads would help.

Here are some of the posts on my Facebook page:

I have linked my Twitter account to my Facebook account so when I post on Facebook the post is Tweeted.

I would love some suggestions on things I can do differently. THANKS! 

Visit my Facebook page for more examples:

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Advertising For Beamer Consulting & Design

My business is in the initial phase of getting my name out, so I am looking to attract followers and fans. I plan to advertise on Twitter and Facebook. The Twitter ad I will use is called "Promote My Account" and is designed to promote twitter account and in turn my company. This type of ad works by advertising my Twitter account to people that search for keywords like: consulting, web design, graphic design, social media, branding and marketing. Another reason I like this kind of ad is that I only get charged when I get a new follower. I simply "bid" a certain amount per follower, a dollar amount per day and a total budge for the ad campaign.

Facebook gives me the capability of honing my message to a clearly defined demographic. For example, I will target small business owners between the ages of 35 and 55 who live in the Southern California area who are not social media savvy. I will also run an ad that targets friends of people who have already liked my Facebook page. For my Facebook ad I will pay by Likes. That way if the ad doesn't get any attention I will be able to scrap it and try another approach. Targeting is powerful because it is efficient and ensures I get tangible value for my advertising investment.

Here are examples of ads I might run on Facebook:

Here are ideas for my Facebook ads:

Here is the Twitter ad I set up:

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Beamer Consulting and Design is a new company and right now we are working on building relationships. When we start to send out a newsletter we will send it out quarterly. The things our newsletter will include are:

We will update potential clients on our service offering and highlight a certain service in more detail.  Our first newsletter will be an introduction to BCD. We will also make special promotional offers for certain services.

For example:

Purchase a custom website and receive three months of free social media marketing consultation (max 10 hour per month). We will help them leverage the strength of their new website with help establishing a blog, targeted advertising and content update schedule. We may also offer special seminars on how to refine their brand position and establish their unique brand voice in social media space.

For current clients we will include promotional offers focused on how to get more out of their social media marketing. We know they are already in the game. Now we want to help them continue to grow their business through targeted on-line advertising, email marketing and blogging. These newsletter might include a coupon for 5 hours of Facebook analysis and / or building of a compelling FB page.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blog Categories

The goal of all blogs coming from Beamer Consulting and Design is to establish trust with our target audience and add value to their lives and businesses. Our social media presence is a place they go to get new ideas and get inspired. If businesses come to associate new ideas and inspiration with Beamer Consulting and Design, then who will they come to when they need help? Our blog will display our inquisitive approach and help potential customers feel comfortable with what we have to offer. Some of the categories we plan to explore on our blog are:
brand development, graphic design trends, websites that really work, creating connection and conversation in social media, marketing that keeps-it-real and just a few random quotes that make you think.

Here are the comments I made on fellow students blogs: